Thursday, August 27, 2009

Christian Workout Mix (for a mix of cardio and weight training)

1. I Will Not Be Moved ~ Natalie Grant
2. Stomp ~ Kirk Franklin
3. Catchafire (Whoopsie Daisy) ~ Toby Mac
4. Feelin' So Fly ~ Toby Mac
5. Burn For You ~ Toby Mac
6. Captured ~ Natalie Grant
7. Live For Today ~ Natalie Grant
8. Shackles (Praise You) ~ Mary Mary
9. Gone ~ Toby Mac
10. Get Down ~ Audio Adrenaline


Monday, August 24, 2009


God has opened my eyes. I'm never going to be able to use this weightloss as a testimony if I do these crash diets to lose the weight. I need to pray and exercise more, and eat better. God is testing me to see if I'm going to give this situation over to him or if I'm going to try to do it all by myself. I can't do it by myself. I want to be able to give Him the glory for the victory. I didn't start out as well as I could've today. I'm committing to a mile walk EVERY DAY. It doesn't sound like much, but I have the Biggest Loser bootcamp DVD and I've done it. Only level one, but I can do it. I plan on doing that as well as the walking. I think that it will be relaxing and time to reflect. God requires a time every day for me to be silent and let His Holy Spirit speak to me. This would be the perfect time. If any of you have suggestions or encouraging words, please let them in the comment box. I need all of it to be successful, but first and foremost....I'm letting God take over.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just the beginning...

Well, today marks the beginning of my journey; my journey to lose weight. I am tired of being "the fat girl". I've been that girl for my entire life. I have a gorgeous husband and kids and I've always felt like I didn't fit in with them. This picture is one of my body about two weeks ago. I love to eat. That is one of the biggest problems that I am having. It's more like an addiction. I'm trying to control it but it's not easy. Today, I tried a crash diet, which is horrible, but I'm so desperate. I can't be fat. It's not acceptable in our society. Fat girls don't get anywhere in life...we all know that. I remember how hard it was for me to get jobs and I believe that it had everything to do with my weight. I didn't work out today so I feel pretty lame. I have got to kill myself working out tomorrow. Last night, I worked out with a beautiful friend of mine and I just kept thinking...what am I doing here? I can't keep up with her! So, we will see how this goes. Thanks for reading my blog and feel free to leave comments.