Monday, September 12, 2011

More progress!

So, I lost more weight! Last week, I got a little off track, but this week's weigh in showed I fixed it and lost some more. No more messin' up like that! I had a rough week and to keep a long story short, had to finally be put on a couple muscle relaxers to fix me up. Once I finally broke down and got that taken care of, my weight loss started back up again. I am looking forward to being 70 lbs. lighter by Christmas. That's my goal anyway. I noticed something tonight that I thought I would share. When I don't get enough sleep and have to push myself to stay awake, I turn to food. When I'm talking about the stresses in my life to my husband, I'm opening the fridge. I have zeroed in on a few problems here and here are my solutions. Sleep whenever I can (day or night) and run when I'm stressing and talk to my husband when I'm done running. Then I can talk to him with a clear head and not be over emotional no matter what it is. My body is starting to crave exercise like it never has. I feel horrible when I don't exercise. Physically that is. My body demands the exercise. I'm really excited about my future. I'm starting to feel some self worth. It's not that losing weight will fix all of your problems, but when you are over 100 lbs. overweight, you can't make wise decisions or really care and love yourself. I'm to the point now that I can finally walk into a room and not feel like everyone is staring at the "fat girl". I still have TONS of weight to lose, but every time I see that number going down, I realize that I'm just that much closer. Every time the number goes down, I'm gonna work harder. So excited about what God is acheiving in my life through this weight loss. Feel free to click on any of the links on my page (I do get paid a little, with every click even if you don't participate in the promotions). Have a blessed week everyone.