Friday, January 21, 2011

Apologies to my followers

I offer my sincere apologies for not continuing to post like I seriously intended to do. Since my last post, I had my third baby. He is now five months old and it's time for me to get my butt back in gear and get this weight off. I am nursing my son and working five days a week, but no excuses. My kids mean more to me than anything and I have to be healthy for them. I have to show them the importance of eating well and having an active lifestyle. My energy level has dropped to an all-time low. I have got to get this weight off so that I can do more with my life. Someone approached me at church about being in a Biggest Loser contest with some other women. I think it's a great idea because it holds me accountable. I'm hoping to post some yummy recipes on here as well. I'm back!

Current weight: 230 lbs.
Goal weight: 130 lbs.